
UNUM: Challenging Social Norms in Personal Audio Products

UNUM is a revolutionary design concept that challenges social norms around personal audio products. Today, headphones are often seen as isolating, preventing the user from fully engaging in the world around them. However, UNUM seeks to change that perception by providing an open-ear design that allows the user to remain present in their real-world communications.

The idea behind UNUM began with a challenge to the standard headphones architecture itself. The design team got rid of the main driver cap to open up the ear, which sparked further ideation on what the new open-ear headphone might look like and how it would impact the usability and perception around a new category of product.

The result is UNUM, a product that is designed to always be worn and provides ambient and augmented audio while keeping the user present in their surroundings. The open ear architecture frames the ear without covering it, making it clear that the user can still hear their surroundings.

UNUM is designed for the Zero UI era, where sound is becoming increasingly central to digital product development. The team envisions increasing opportunities arising as sound becomes more integrated into our daily lives.

The design of UNUM is provocative and thought-provoking, meant to be a conversation starter. The ultimate goal of the concept product is to see how the public reacts to the idea of augmented audio that is always on. In a world where isolation has become the norm, UNUM seeks to combat that trend by opening the user up to the surrounding world.

UNUM is a significant departure from what is currently on the market. It is a bold and innovative design that challenges the status quo and pushes the boundaries of what personal audio products can be. By creating a product that allows the user to remain present in their real-world communications, UNUM is a step towards a more connected and engaged society.

A picture of a car with a bicycle rim for a tire. The word "Automotive" is written in a circle around the picture.
A person holding a cup of drinkware in one hand and a mobile phone in the other, gesturing with the phone.
Last updated: Thu Mar 23 2023

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